
7 Helpful SEO Tips That Will Optimize Your Keyword List.

7 Helpful SEO Tips

You need to tweak your keyword lists regularly to make sure everything is running properly. Optimizing and evaluating the lists keeps the content ranking high in the search engine results. With every new update, the Google Algorithm becomes more sophisticated and your previous keywords might become less effective. Depending on user habits and Google updates, it’s best to update your keywords every year. Here are 7 helpful SEO tips on how to Optimize Your Keyword List and accrue more site visitors.

7 helpful SEO tips on how to Optimize Your Keyword List

1.         Map Your Keywords To The Buying Journey :

best keywords for seo

Keep in mind that not every customer visits your site knowing what exactly they want to buy. Of course, most people are sure of what they need and don’t need to do extensive research. Make sure your keywords target everyone with matching interests to the content on your site. You should map the stage in their buying journey to the appropriate content on your site.

(a)         Awareness Stage – Here, customers are trying to look for a solution to their problem. They will be looking for a specific product or service to satisfy their needs. Here, they can use general terms when looking for content. At this stage, when mapping your keywords, create pages to answer common questions related to your products or services. You are simply informing the visitor and not selling anything in particular.

(b)         Consideration Stage – Here, they are looking for a specific solution and evaluating the available options. You need to build trust and convince them that you have the right solution. To attract such buyers, you should focus on the keyword selection and the value of your solution.

(c)         Decision Stage – Here, your customers have direct commercial intent. You need to use your content to make that prospect into an actual customer.

2. Build Your Lists Using A Keyword Optimization Checklist

  • Start by prioritizing your efforts then categorizing each keyword. You can segment the site pages into groups based on the conversion rate and the topic.
  • Align the top pages or groups of pages with the search volume, targeted key phrases and difficulty score.
  • Create long-tail keywords based on the keywords you have used previously. Customers can relate to the old content effortlessly but make sure it appears fresh with the long-tail keywords.
  • Use branded terms.
  • Take advantage of Site Search available in Google Analytics. Here, you can discover the search terms popularly used by your site visitors.
  • Use geo-modifiers to gather keywords
  • Identify any overlooked keywords by running a competitive analysis.
  • You can create new pages for your site using the newly discovered keywords or align them with the old pages.

3.  Don’t Forget About Mobile Keywords :

Mobile Seo Tips

Note that, most users don’t use the same search queries on all platforms. It’s common for the popular keywords to change depending on the device in use. When optimizing your site for mobile or tablet users, you need to take this principle into account. Keep in mind that a lot of mobile searches take the location into account.

Actually, Google identifies that at least 94% of users look for information based on the location. Therefore, if you are running a physical store, you need to focus on keywords such as ‘nearby’ or ‘near me’. Don’t forget to optimize ‘Google My Business’ and provide accurate information. That way, your business shows up when users are looking for businesses in that niche.

4.   Do A Keyword Audit :

Using a checklist to create new keywords is prudent but you can also use an objective eye in the whole process. There are a few SEO auditing tools such as Woorank or SEO Site Checkup you can use for the best results. These tools should be used for off-page SEO, on-page SEO, and the website’s usability.

These tools come in handy when identifying defective web pages or broken links. Even better, they can provide recommendations to improve the site’s ranking and visibility on the search engine results. Use the tools for audits on any old content ranking with some keywords but requires an update for better ranking.

   5. Check The Keyword Trends :

If you know how to leverage trends, you can increase your traffic considerably. Using trends in the right timeline will result in less competition compared to the general keywords. Choose any trends relevant to your niche and add them to your list. Make sure you clean the list every once in a while to avoid piling up the previous trends. Take advantage of Google Correlate to discover the current trends and create new keywords to match the same.

6.  Use Long-Tail Keywords :

With there being so many virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Cortana, voice search has become very popular. Rather than typing, many users prefer using voice search to find what they are looking for online. It’s been used a lot for TVs and mobile devices. If you want to capture voice search users, you need to incorporate long-tail keywords. Use the conversational tone when using long-tail keywords to guarantee that the content appears in the voice search results.

7. Track Your Internal Site Search :


Some of the best keywords might have been applied in your site all this time and you didn’t know. Look at the queries to learn how people have been using your site. You will also get keyword ideas that you didn’t think of previously. If you find searches that were followed by the customer leaving the site, you need to create content matching such terms. Make sure you find the popular search queries and tweak your content to match if you want more visibility and higher rankings.

Conclusion :

Keyword research is one of the best SEO strategies you should apply to your website. With these 7 tips, you can expect a significant boost in your website traffic. You might be following the best SEO practices with your lists updating constantly but you need to experiment and get better results. Therefore, the next time you are out looking for new techniques to create the best keywords, take advantage of these tips for the best results. The SEO Houston Experts can help for the optimization of your keyword list.

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